Saturday, March 23, 2013

4 Killer Tips for Painting Beginners - Alla Prima Vs Glazing Painting

Oil painting is perhaps the most popular painting method among today’s artists. If you are a beginner and want to create oil paintings, you are faced with the task of deciding which oil painting technique to use. Among the oil painting techniques to choose from are the alla prima and the glazing technique. But which between the two is the best for beginner oilpainters? Here are some of the things to look at before you decide which technique you want to use.

Alla Prima Paintings- Amazing, isn't it?

The first thing to look at is the amount of time you have. Oil paintings take a lot of time to dry. That said, alla prima paintings willtake lesser time to dry compared to glazes since they are created at a go. If you are interested in creating a painting that can be available for display within the shortest time possible, then alla prima is the way to go.

Secondly, look at the amount of detail you intent to include within the oil painting. Glazing provides you with the opportunity of including lots of detail and texture. Alla prima on the other hand doesn’t provide such opportunity since you will be painting at a single go.

Thirdly, look at the amount of paint and oil medium you have available. Alla prima paintings don’t use up a lot of paint as compared to glazing. Glazing actually requires that you increase the amount of oil medium with each subsequent layer you paint.
Great Glazing paintings - How Real!

Finally, consider the type of painting technique you wish to use in your future. Many painters will often try out different painting techniques before sticking to one technique. However, if you want to master one painting technique fast, then why not start practicing it when you are still a beginner?

Both alla prima and glazing are excellent oil painting techniques which beginner painters can adopt. Check out these new releases by Thomas Kinkade. Neither can be described as the most appropriate for beginners. It only takes taking into consideration a couple of factors before deciding which technique will work best.

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1 comment:

  1. Applying oil paint glazes can produce subtle shifts in colour and help you to unify a painting. Your tips are some of the best tips.Thanks for sharing such kind of useful stuff.scenery painting
